Monster Project

  1. Draw a line that goes up, then one that curves across and up again and then draw the same thing near it to make it thick.
  2. Draw a head and tongue like a snake that goes across.
  3. Draw two lines going away from the snake this will be the back of the monster so add a cat tail.
  4. Now draw two lines going the other way one going slightly up and the other across than draw a line that curves down in almot a U at the end of both of them.
  5. Then continue in a curved line to the beginning  of the tail.
  6. Then draw two lines close together where it starts going horizontally to act as a leg than draw two straight lines that nearly go to the tail than four short lines going of the other way to make two thicker lines.
  7. Now draw a large eye at the front of the monster under the snake head.
  8. Colour its wing shape dark blue with orange stripes and pink at both ends, the snake orange with dark blue stripes, its tail patchy dark blue and gold and the top light green, and then it’s feet brown.